About the company
HOMER is a family company with the ambition to build sustainable, independent portable homes that can become your 1st or 2nd home off and on grid.
We strongly believe in the health of connecting with nature in a sustainable way. In this world it has become ever more difficult to disconnect, find some quiet space surrounded by nature without giving up on the comforts of the 21st century.
We are wanderers, we thrive in different environments and communities, we get inspired by new panoramas and people. This could be close by on our own plot of land, or as true nomads traveling across countries and habitats.
We are a company built on strong social foundations, we seek equal opportunities in our eco system of employees, clients and suppliers. We believe that part of our profits should flow to cultural society; where ideas are born, art is made and education is given, where the economical society and political society should have no room, other than to facilitate. We as a company grow according to our goals, and donate what is left to the cultural society.
The entrpeneur: Gabriël de Jong

Founder Gabriel de Jong
Founder Gabriel de Jong
18 years experience in building houses, boats, interiors, electronics, sustainable installations, electronics, domotica, programming, and out of the box projects
Focus on sustainability
Focus on social impact for working and living
Portfolio Gabriël de Jong (www.gabrieldejong.nl)